I wouldn’t hoped for so much
- 13x Champion titles
- 5x Junior Champion titles for Colette
- 1x International Champion of Beauty Junior
- 2x International Show Champion
- TOP 3 Junior in France (Tabatha)
- TOP 14 Breeder in France
The championship will be remembered, crowning Tabatha : junior French champion
A superb trip with Marion followd after Zagreb shows!
9 days and 5 countries
5x CRUFT'S 2024 qualification
6x res.CACIB, 6x J-CACIB, 7x BOB, 3x BOG and 3 Best In Show Junior 3rd
27/11/2024: Grude Dog Show
28-29/11/2024: Poppins Cup-Prishtina
30/11-1/12/2024: President Cup - Tirana
2-3/12/2024: Skopje Winner
4-5/12/2024: Ada Cup Ulcinj
Great adventure tour with memories to cherish. The Goldheaven team did great!
Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" is new Junior Champion of Croatia / Albania / Kosovo / Macedonia!
Mother and daughter (Raven & Tabatha) are new Champions of Albania / Kosovo / Macedonia / Monténégro / Bosnia!
Judge: Mr. Carsten Birk (CACIB show)
JCh. Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" - CACIB-J, Best Junior
ChFJ. Goldheaven Take it Easy "Tabatha" - res.CAC
Ch. Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - CAC, res.CACIB
Judge: Mrs. Doris Getzinger (CAC show)
JCh. Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" - CAC, Best Junior, BEST OF BREED
ChFJ. Goldheaven Take it Easy "Tabatha" - CAC, Best Bitch
Ch. Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - 4 EXC
Judge: Mrs. Kaća Kacian (CACIB show)
JCh. Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" - res.CACIB-J
ChFJ. Goldheaven Take it Easy "Tabatha" - res.CAC
Ch. Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - CACIB, BOS, Crufts Qualification
Judge: Mr. Franjo Kovacev (CAC show)
JCh. Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" - CACJ, Junior Winner
ChFJ. Goldheaven Take it Easy "Tabatha" - CAC
Ch. Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - res.CAC
Juges: Mr. Musereau and Mr Mattera (28 Goldens)
Ch. Goldheaven Pretty Woman "Pretty" - BOS & res.CACIB
Breed Specialty show (91 Goldens)
Judge: Mrs. MURRAY Orlagh
Ch. Goldheaven Soirée Clandestine "Simone" - CACIB & BEST OF BREED!
JChF. Goldheaven Take It Easy "Tabatha" - Exc. 2nd/11
Judge: Mrs. Marie-Josée Melchior Schlechter (52 Goldens)
Ch. Goldheaven Soirée Clandestine "Simone" - Exc. 2nd, res.CACL & res.CACIB
Goldheaven Pretty Woman "Pretty" - Exc. 2nd, res.CACL
Goldheaven Take It Easy "Tabatha" - Exc. 4th
The day before our dogs were Exc. 4th under the judge Cox Laura.
15-16/07/2024 NDS/IDS de Douai
Judge: Mr. Oliveira Rui - CACIB-J & BOBJ
Judge: Mrs. Urek Tatjana - CACIB-J
14/07/2024 Spéciale de Race Maltot
Judge: Mrs. Welele Sandrine - 3èmes Exc
25/06/2024 Châlons-en-Champagne
Judge: Mrs. Manola Poggesi - CACIB-J
Goldheaven Take it Easy "Tabatha" - 1/16 CACIB-J + BOBJ & 1/17 CACIB-J
CRUFT's 2024 qualification
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - 2/10 & 4/12
Goldheaven Ticket Gagnant "Colette" - 2nd on both days
What a weekend! Special thanks to the judges Michaud and Madame Pfeifer for their verdicts and critiques. I am so proud of my darling girls!
Bussy weekend for Raven and her daughter Tabatha!
Judges: Mr. Dusko Piljevic / Mrs. Mina Piljevic and Mr. Favre
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - res.CAC / 3rd / res.CAC
Goldheaven Take It Easy "Tabatha" - Best Junior, BOG-J / 2nd / 1st
Judge: Mrs. Jaussi
Goldheaven Totally Spies "Clover" - BIS 3rd Baby
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" and her daughter Goldheaven Take It Easy "Tabatha" were both placed 2nd in their classes.
Judge: Mr. Heinesche
Goldheaven Totally Spies "Clover" (4 months old) - 2nd in Baby class
Goldheaven Take It Easy "Tabatha" - 2nd in Junior class
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - 3rd in open class
Judge: Mrs. Varaine Chantal
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" had her premiere in open class and took res.CAC.
Judge: Mr. Musereau
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - CACIB & Best Of Breed
Her young daughter Tabatha (13 months old) - 2nd in Junior class
Judge: Mr. Facq Bruno (54 Goldens)
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - BOS
Together with handsome Falco (Proud to be Faithful of Pelennor Fields)
Goldheaven Rave Party "Raven" - Best Of Breed